he objectives of this research are: (1) to increase Kopyor fruit production through improved cultivation techniques and integration of honeybees as pollinators, and (2) to produce true-to-type seeds to obtain 100% heterozygotes hybrid Kopyor coconut through controlled crosses. Improve cultivation techniques are conducted by improving drainage, adjusting plant spacing, fertilization and pest control. Improve polination is conducted by integrating honey bees as pollinators in coconut plantation. Controlled crosses to produce true to type hybrid coconut seeds was done using three Pati Dwarf Kopyor coconut (heterosigot kopyor coconut) using pollen of harvested from tissue culture derived kopyor palms (homosigot kopyor coconut). Results of first year experiment were baseline data for total and kopyor fruit production of selected palm used in the improved cultivation studies and the honey bee as effective pollinators. The observed data include average of total fruits and the average of kopyor fruits per bunch at the start of the study, at 6 months and 12 months later. For controlled pollination studies, the number of female flowers and the number of fruit at 1 to 3 months, the number of harvested normal fruit and kopyor fruts after pollination were recorded. Results of observation indicated majority of kopyor palms existed in Pati were experiencing ‘nglakani’ and the fruit production was generally decreased. Average fruit per bunch ranged from 1–7 fruits while the number of kopyor fruits ranged from 1–3. Improved cultivation techniques applied were to solve some of that problem. Integration of honey bees as pollinators is expected to increase total number of normal and kopyor fruits. Controlled pollination is expected to increase the percentage of kopyor fruit production. Moreover, results of controlled pollination should produce true-to-type kopyor coconut seedlings.