International Scientific Journal Guide (SCOPUS Q4 Journal)

International Scientific Journal Guide (SCOPUS Q4 Journal)

Subject: Agricultural and Biological Science – Agronomi and Crop Science

I compile this information for our colleagues (University staffs and Researchers from Research institutions in Indonesia) who intend to publish their research finding and look for a SCOPUS Q4 scientific journal. The following list (Table 1) is for you to consider.

I purposely selected only 23 out of many scientific journals available in the SCOPUS Database. For a complete list of the alternative journal, please go directly to SCOPUS website.

In the Table 1, I provide links to the journal and to the publisher information so you can browse further information about the specific matter you want to further explore. I hope the following information is useful to you who are in need of finding SCOPUS Q4 journal. Good luck in your scientific writing.

Compiled by:

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarsono, MSc.

PMB Lab., Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB, Bogor, INDONESIA


Table 1. List of scientific journals (SCOPUS Q4) for various topics related to plant science (agronomy, crop science, horticulture, etc.).

No. Nama Jurnal & Coverage Asal Negara Aspek Scope
1 Asian Journal of Crop Science (Scopus 2009-ongoing) Pakistan, Asian Network for Scientific Information Asian Journal of Crop Science is high quality scientific journal publishes the original research on Tropical Crop Science that can be readily accessed by researchers and development leaders in Asia and rest of the world. The scope of the journal include: crop agronomy, production, genetics and breeding, germplasm, crop protection, soil sciences, postharvest systems and utilization, agroforestry, crop-animal interactions, environmental issues and agricultural information. Asian Journal of Crop Science is a refereed journal. The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership.
2 Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (Scopus 2002-ongoing) Germany, Kassel University Press GmbH

– Planning & Development

The Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics is a peer reviewed journal that publishes papers and short communications dealing with research in the Tropics and Subtropics in the fields of plant production, animal nutrition and animal husbandry, soil science, agricultural economy and farm management, forestry and forest economy, veterinary hygiene and protection against epidemics.
3 International Journal of Vegetable Science (Scopus 2007-ongoing) USA, Haworth Press Inc. The International Journal of Vegetable Science features innovative articles on all aspects of vegetable production, including growth regulation, pest management, sustainable production, harvesting, handling, storage, shipping, and final consumption. Researchers, practitioners, and academics present current findings on new crops and protected culture as well as traditional crops, examine marketing trends in the commercial vegetable industry, and address vital issues of concern to breeders, production managers, and processors working in all continents where vegetables are grown.
4 Research Journal of Seed Science (Scopus 2009-2016, cancelled) USA, Academic Journals Inc. Research Journal of Seed Science is an international journal publishes peer reviewed research work in the form of research articles, reviews and/or mini-reviews and short communications dealing with recent and exciting developments in the field of seed science. Scope of the journal includes: Physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and ecology of seeds, Seed production, certification, testing, and storage.
5 Open Agriculture Journal (Scopus 2012-0ngoing) Netherland, Bentham Science Publishers B.V. The Open Agriculture Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews and letters in all areas of agricultural science. Topics covered include, agronomy; plant and animal breeding; genetics; agricultural biotechnology; crop physiology and agroecology; soil science and agroclimatology; agricultural economics and rural sociology; and sustainable systems. Agricultural biotechnology (including tissue culture, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, genetic engineering, genome editing as well as synthetic biology) to modify living organisms: microorganisms, fungi, plants and animals).

The scope of the journal includes but is not limited to:

  • Crop protection and Cultivation
  • Animal Science and Aquaculture
  • Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Development
  • Environmental implications of agricultural land
  • Horticulture
  • Forestry
  • Agricultural Sciences, including Genetics and Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Environmental Sciences, including prevention and correction of adverse environmental effects (e.g., soil degradation, waste management, bioremediation)
6 Journal of Plant Biotechnology (Scopus 2012-ongoing) Korea, Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology Journal of Plant Biotechnology (JPB) is an international open access journal published four issues of a yearly volume on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 by The Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology (KSPBT) founded in 1973. JPB publishes original, peer-reviewed articles dealing with advanced scientific aspects of plant biotechnology, which includes molecular biology, genetics, genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. JPB does not exclude studies on lower plants including algae and cyanobacteria if studies are carried out within the aspects described above.
7 AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science (2013-ongoing) Indonesia, University Of Brawijaya AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science is a peer reviewed quarterly journal that mediate the dissemination of researchers in agronomy, horticulture, plant breeding, soil-plant science and pest or diseases-plant science. The journal is published by Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya Indonesia in collaboration with Indonesian Agronomy Assosiation (PERAGI). The Editorial goal is to provide a forum exchange and an interface between researchres and practitioners in any agriculture related field. AGRIVITA accept submission from all over the world. All submitted articles shall never been published elsewhere, original and not under consideration for other publication.
8 Journal of Tropical Agriculture (Scopus 2007-ongoing) India, Kerala Agricultural University The journal aims to advance communication among scientists in disparate fields who share a common interest in tropical agriculture, and to narrow the gap between research workers, farm managers, and extension personnel in the field for mutual benefit. The scope of the journal includes all agroecosystems in the tropics. Papers dealing with results of original research, critical reviews, and short communications on any aspect of tropical agriculture are welcome.
9 Asian Journal of Agricultural Research (Scopus 2016-Cancelled) Pakistan, ANSInet Asian Journal of Agricultural Research publishes original research papers on all aspects of animal and pastoral science relevant to temperate and subtropical regions. Subject matter includes soil science, fertilizers, insect pests, plant pathology, weeds, forage crops, management systems, and agricultural economics as well as agronomy and animal science. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research is a unique forum for disseminating current information to researchers in universities, research institutes, and other centers concerned with animal and pastoral science and its application. Papers will be accepted only after peer-review
10 Asian Journal of Plant Pathology (Scopus 2016–Cancelled) USA, Academic Journals Inc. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology is an international journal that publishes original research articles dealing with fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology publishes original contribution written in English, in the form of full-length papers, short communication, disease notes, and review articles on mycology, bacteriology, virology, physiological plant pathology, plant-parasite interactions, post-harvest diseases, non-infectious diseases, and plant protection. All contributions will be peer reviewed under the supervision of an international Editorial Board
11 Research on Crops (Scopus 2008-ongoing) India, Gaurav Society of Agricultural Research Information Centre The RESEARCH ON CROPS is peer-reviewed an international journal published by Gaurav Publications (Regd.), Hisar, India. Four issues are published in a volume i.e. in the months of March, June, September and December. It publishes original research articles on topics covering crop sciences, agricultural water management, agro-climatology, agroforestry, agronomy, crop production, crop protection, cropping systems, food science & technology, genetics & plant breeding, horticulture, plant & soil science, plant biotechnology, plant nutrition, post-harvest management of crops, seed science, soil management & tillage, vegetables, weed science, agricultural engineering, agri-business, agricultural economics and extension, etc. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for the scientific community to publish their latest research findings. The journal is abstracted and indexed in world leading abstracting and indexing journals. Authors may submit their manuscripts online in MS Word at or send through e-mail attachment to Managing Editor at: ; ;
12 Philippine Agricultural Scientist (Scopus – 2013) Phillipines, University of the Philippines at Los Banos The Philippine Agricultural Scientist, an international journal for tropical agriculture published quarterly, is a significant repository of scientific works in the agricultural sciences not only in Southeast Asian but also in tropical countries especially the developing ones. It is now in its 87th volume and is published in English. The findings reported herein are applicable not only in Southeast Asia but also in most tropical countries. We receive manuscripts from all over the world including African countries. The journal is published by the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Baños which is recognized as premier institution for higher learning in agriculture in Southeast Asia
13 Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (Scopus 2016-ongoing) India, Indian Society of Plant Breeders Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, published quarterly, is the official publication of the Indian Society of Plant Breeders.   The main aim of this journal is to provide a medium for the dissemination of current development in the field of plant breeding. This is an online publication. The publications are PEER REVIEWED by editor, executive editor, editorial board members and additional reviewers. It is an OPEN ACCESS journal. Original research articles and research communications on all areas of Plant Breeding are accepted. At present Review articles are not accepted for publication.

Manuscripts should be submitted to through ONLINE ONLY. Detailed instructions can be found under “Guide to authors”.

14 International Journal of Agricultural Research (Scopus 2007-2016, cancelled) USA, Academic Journals Inc. International Journal of Agricultural Research publishes original research papers on all aspects of animal and pastoral science relevant to temperate and subtropical regions. Subject matter includes soil science, fertilizers, insect pests, plant pathology, weeds, forage crops, management systems, and agricultural economics as well as agronomy and animal science. International Journal of Agricultural Research is a unique forum for disseminating current information to researchers in universities, research institutes, and other centers concerned with animal and pastoral science and its application. Papers will be accepted only after peer-review.
15 International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation (Scopus 2008-ongoing) UK,Inderscience Publishers Technology is an increasingly crucial input in the industrialisation and development of nations and communities, particularly in the current era of globalisation, trade liberalisation and emphasis on competitiveness. The shared technologies and innovations of today are giving birth to the radically different agrifood industries and communities of tomorrow. There is mounting evidence that investments in postharvest research and infrastructure yield high rates of return that are comparable and often higher than investments in on-farm production alone.
16 Potato Journal (Scopus 2009-ongoing) India, The Indian Potato Association The journal covers all areas of potato research including Genetics, Breeding, Biotechnology, Agronomy, Soil Science, Seed Technology, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Storage, Physiology, Biochemistry, Post Harvest Technology, Agricultural Economics, Marketing, Statistics, Extension and Farm Machinery
17 Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia (2005-2016, cancelled) India, Oriental Scientific Pub. Co. Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia (BBRA) was launched with a motive promoting the novel and meaningful research work. In addition, BBRA has an elite panel of reviewers and experts who have been pioneer in different branches of Science. The panel will ensure that only high quality research work can find a place in BBRA and at the same time the stringent screening and the constructive criticism based on definite guidelines that will help the researchers in re-analyzing/modifying their research protocols, hypothesis and data interpretation.

Research papers, review articles, short communications, news are welcomed provided they demonstrate new findings of relevance to the field as a whole. All articles will be peer-reviewed and will find a place in Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia based on the merit and innovativeness of the research work.

18 International Journal of Soil Science (Scopus 2007-2016, cancelled) USA, Academic Journals Inc. International Journal of Soil Science publishes research articles, critical reviews or topical mini-reviews from every area of soil and plant science. Scope of the journal includes: Soil chemistry, soil physics, soil fertility, soil morphology, soil microbiology and environmental science (soil formation, biological classification, mapping and management of soil), soil and water conservation and irrigation water management.
19 Journal of Plant Sciences (Scopus 2007-2016, cancelled) USA, Academic Journals Inc. Journal of Plant Sciences is dedicated to publish high quality research/review articles, mini-reviews and short communications with broad coverage of basic plant science, from molecular biology through to ecology, including: Plant growth and development; developmental genetics and evolution; genome studies and molecular genetics; molecular cell biology; biotechnology, cell signaling and gene regulation; physiology and metabolism; nutrition; water relations and gas exchange; biotic interactions and symbiosis; pathology and stress physiology; population genetics and ecology. Journal of Plant Sciences is an essential tool for those working in plant science or in related specialist areas
20 Malaysian Journal of Soil Science (Scopus 2014–Cancelled) Malaysia, Malaysian Society of Soil Science (MSSS) The Malaysian Journal of Soil Science (MJSS) is a scientific journal published by the Malaysian Society of Soil Science. It contains paper in English on matters relating to soil and soil-plant problems. The journal welcomes original reports and notes on research not previously or simultaneously published in any scientific or technical journal from members of the Malaysian Society of Soil Science as well as other workers in Malaysia and abroad. The aim of the journal is to promote the development of soil science in Malaysia, other tropical and subtropical regions.
21 Chinese Journal of Rice Science (Scopus 2016-ongoing China, China National Rice Research Institute Chinese Journal of Rice Science(CJRS)(ISSN 1001-7216), a bi-monthly journal published by China National Rice Research Institute, mainly publishes original research papers in fields of fundamental and applied fundamental scientific researches on rice, including genetics and breeding, germplasm resources, agronomy, bioengineering, plant protection, soil and plant nutrition, plant physiology, cereal chemistry and processing, agricultural economics and paddy field development, and agricultural engineering, etc. The journal also publishes reviews and experimental techniques. Articles are in Chinese with English abstract.
22 Tropical Agriculture (Scopus 1987- ongoing) Trinidad and Tobago, University of the West Indies The Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture (ICTA), was formally established at St. Augustine, Trinidad, on August 30, 1921. In 1924, the College published the first number of what was to become its official journal, Tropical Agriculture, for the publication of articles on international tropical agricultural research.

The publication as such, continued through the years until 1959, as in 1960 the College became the second campus of the University College of the West Indies (UCWI) – an external college of London University, and the ICTA became the Faculty of Agriculture of the UCWI. In 1962 the UCWI became a university in its own right – The University of the West Indies (The UWI). The publication of the journal was continued throughout the transition periods.

23 Japanese Journal of Crop Science (Scopus 1993-ongoing) Japan, Crop Science Society of Japan Published manuscripts in these topics:

Biology, Life Sciences and Basic Medicine

Agriculture and Food Sciences

Interdisciplinary Sciences

24 Journal of Crop Protection (Scopus 2017-ongoing) Iran, Tarbiat Modares University Journal of Crop Protection is one of the TMU Press journals that is published by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes.

Journal of Crop Protection (JCP) is an international peer-reviewed research journal published quarterly for the purpose of advancing the scientific studies. It covers fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology and entomology in agriculture and natural resources. The journal will consider submissions from all over the world, on research works not being published or submitted for publication as full paper, review article and research note elsewhere. The Papers are published in English with an extra abstract in Farsi language.

25 Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology (Scopus 2017-ongoing) Pakistan, Pakistan Phytopathological Society Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology is an official publication of Pakistan Phytopathological Society being published since 1989. PJP is an Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal aimed at publishing original as well extended version of published research in all areas of plant disease management. Quality research and review articles covering diseases of temperate and tropical plants caused biotic and abiotic factors; physiological, biochemical, molecular, ecological, genetic and economic aspects of plant pathology; disease epidemiology and modeling; and plant disease control and disease-related crop management are accepted for publication.



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