IPB University in collaboration with Wageningen University and Research (WUR) conducting a Refresher Course funded by Nuffic, The Netherlands, 6 September – 1 October 2021

IPB University in collaboration with Wageningen University and Research (WUR) conducting a Refresher Course funded by Nuffic, The Netherlands, 6 September – 1 October 2021
The Refresher Course entitled “Capacity building in management and utilization of genetic resources for improved food security in Indonesia” was opened on Monday, 6 September 2021 and ended on 1 October 2021. It was a collaboration between Wageningen University and Research (WUR)-Plant Breeding and IPB University-Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, funded by Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) Nuffic, the Netherlands.
Welcoming speeches were delivered by Prof. Dr. Edi Santosa, Chair-Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Prof. Dr. Satriyas Ilyas, IPB coordinator of the Refresher Course, and Dr. Daniel Danial from WUR-Plant Breeding. A representative from Nuffic Neso Indonesia (NNI), Dito Alif Pratama, shared about the NNI activities.
The Course was organized by Dr. Daniel Danial (team leader training and coordinator-WUR-Plant Breeding), Prof. Dr. Satriyas Ilyas (coordinator-IPB University), Ing. Angela Machacilla (facilitator-WUR), and the trainers Dr. Sjaak van Heusden (WUR-Plant Breeding) and Dr. Chris Kik (WUR-Centre for Genetic Resources). In addition, there are six resource persons shared their knowledge: Dr. Awang Maharijaya and Dr. Trikoesoemaningtyas both from IPB University; Andari Risliawati, MSc from ICABIOGRAD; Sunardi, MSi from East West Seed Indonesia; Prof. Dr. Masayoshi Shigyo and Dr. Mustafa Abd El Wahid from Yamaguchi University, Japan. A total of 40 participants from various universities, research institutes and private seed company in Indonesia took part in this on-line refresher course.
The objectives of the Course were: (1) Refreshing the knowledge on applicable tools and technologies for efficient management and use of genetic resources; (2) Contributing towards improved efficiency for the utilization of genetic resources in Plant breeding.
There were two modules were delivered: Module 1 ‘Ex situ plant genetic resources (PGR) management’ by Dr. Chris Kik; and Module 2 ‘Use of genetic resources in plant breeding’ by Dr. Sjaak van Heusden.
The 40 participants were divided into 10 groups consisted of 4 participants. The assignments given by the trainers both in Module 1 and 2 were presented by all groups. In addition, all participants had to send through email the answers of the questions from the trainers to see how they absorbed the course materials. All participants were asked to fill in the evaluation form of the refresher course in each module.
The field day program for participants who live in Bogor and vicinities was conducted on 25 September. We visited four locations i.e. Tajur Farm-Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies, IPB Universit; Sukamantri Field Station, IPB University; the GeneBank of IAARD-ICABIOGRAD, and the Seed Bank at Bogor Botanical Garden.
Opening of the Refresher Course by Dr. Daniel Danial, team leader and coordinator from WUR-Plant Breeding, followed by Prof. Dr Satriyas Ilyas, coordinator from IPB University, and Prof. Dr. Edi Santosa, Chair-Department of Agronomy and Horticulture-IPB University.
Dr. Daniel Danial
Prof. Dr. Satriyas Ilyas
Prof. Dr. Edi Santosa
Mr. Dito Alif Pratama
All participants
Lectures of Module 1 by Dr. Chris Kik from WUR-Centre for Genetic Resources
Presentation of Resource Person by Andari Risliawati, MSc from Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resource Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD): Sinergy of the GenBank, research institutes, and agricultural university on the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources.
Presentation of Resource Person by Sunardi, MSi from East West Seed Indonesia: Management genetic resources in supporting the breeding process to produce new superior vegetables varieties.
Presentation of 10 groups consisted of 4 participants in Module 1.
Lectures of Module 2 by Dr. Sjaak van Heusden from WUR-Plant Breeding
Presentation of Resource Person by Dr. Awang Maharijaya from IPB University: Genetic diversity of Indonesian shallot based on phenomic, metabolomic and genomic data.
Presentation of Resource Person by Dr. Trikoesoemaningtyas from IPB University: Characterization of sorghum genetic resources for waxy grain and disease resistance as pre-breeding activity in Indonesia.
Presentation of Resource Person from Prof. Dr. Masayoshi Shigyo and Dr. Mustafa Abd El Wahid from Yamaguchi University, Japan: Metabolomic analysis for Allium disease resistance breeding and challenges for multi-omics data integration.
Presentation of 10 groups consisted of 4 participants in Module 2.
Some participants who live in Bogor and vicinities took part in the Field Day Program on 25 September 2021. The visiting sites were: Tajur Farm-Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies, IPB University, Sukamantri Field Station, IPB University, the GeneBank of IAARD-ICABIOGRAD, and the Seed Bank at Bogor Botanical Garden.
Sumber: Prof. Dr. Satriyas Ilyas